Are you looking for a new pairing scheme chemistry 2nd year? You are at the right place. Akbar Education has brought you a new pairing scheme for the second year. This paper scheme provides you with information about the paper pattern of the second-year chemistry class.
All the boards of Punjab follow this pairing scheme. The boards and intermediate and secondary education Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan, Gujranwala, Rawalpindi, Sargodha, Bahawalpur, D.G. Khan, and Sahiwal will take exams according to this paper scheme.
Pairing Scheme Chemistry 2nd year Class
The chemistry in class 2nd year consists of 16 chapters. By knowing the pairing scheme, anyone can understand the weight of marks from each chapter.
Benefits of the Pairing Scheme Chemistry 2nd year
A pairing scheme is beneficial for students so that they can prepare for exams. There are some of them To understand
- paper pattern
- weightage of each Chapter
- combination of long Question
- Important chapter for short questions
- Division of Marks
You can also get the pairing scheme of English, Urdu, pak study, tarjamatul Quran, physics, mathematics, biology, and computer science for class 12th.
Follow the pairing scheme of classes 9th and 10th for the annual examination of 2025.
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