Test paper chemistry class 10th are available in pdf format. The test papers are designed based on the syllabus of the Punjab Text Book Board Lahore. They are designed to help students in matriculation classes prepare for examinations.
With the help of these test papers, they can check the paper pattern and time management skills during the paper. These test papers contain all the important questions. These questions are taken from the past papers.
Test Paper Chemistry Class 10th
We designed these papers according to the pattern on the board paper. These tests have three types of questions.
- Multiple Choice Questions
- Short Questions
- Long Questions
You can download these test papers. They are free for all. We made these tests in half-chapters, chapterwise, quarter-books, half-books, and full-books. You can download these papers according to your needs.
Half Chapter Test Series Chemistry 10th
The book of Chemistry class 10th has 8 chapters. In a half-chapter test series, we designed short tests to prepare for the examination thoroughly. These brief tests are worth 20 marks, and the time allowed for them is 40 minutes. You can download these tests from below.
Chapter-wise Test Series Chemistry Class 10th
We created some brief tests in the chapter-wise test series. These tests have 30 marks and 1 hour of time and contain multiple-choice, short, and long questions.
Quarterly Test Paper Chemistry Class 10th
In quarterly tests, all eight chapters of the book are divided into groups of two chapters. This group has a combination of two chapters, chapters 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, and 7 and 8. You can download these from the links below.
Half book Test Chemistry Class 10th
The syllabus of chemistry is divided into two halves. The first half book test contains chapters one to four, and the second half book has chapters number five to eight.
Test Chemistry Full book Class 10th
The test for Full Book Chemistry class 10th contains all the chapters from the textbook. It was made according to the new pairing scheme of chemistry.